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Mosaico de mármol del ‘barco de las orgías’ de Calígula acaba en la mesita de un apartamento neoyorquino
Fecha real, creo, 2024, aún… Propongo a tema de discusíón el enunciado en cuestión.
Después de la tempestad: el huracán Ofelia revela la presencia de un antiguo y misterioso esqueleto en Irlanda
Concening Europa's Eclipse Times?
Hello all,
If Europa orbits Jupiter every 85.2 hours that means that Europan day is 42.6 hours (If I'm correct in understanding). I know it's tidally locked. But I realize that it must be eclipsed by Jupiter at some point in it's day and try as I might nor Google or Bing will grace me with the answers I desire. So I would be grateful to know how long and how often Europe is eclipsed each Europan day.
Any input will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks Guys!